研究要旨 はじめに 研究目的 研究方法 研究結果 考察 結論 参考文献
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5) Loden M, Andersson AC, Lindverg M. Improvement in skin barrier function in patients with atopic dermatitis after treatment with a moisturizing cream (Canoderm®). Br J Dermatol 140:264-267, 1999
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14) Berth-Jones J, Damstra RJ, Golsch S, Livden JK, Van Hooteghem O, Allegra F, Parker CA. Twice weekly fluticasone propionate added to emollient maintenance treatment to reduce risk of relapse in atopic dermatitis: randomized, double blind, parallel group study. BMJ 326:1367-1342, 2003
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